App Portfolio

Easily convert all common coordinates with the Coordinate Converter App.

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When was the last time you built a paper plane or walked in the rain?

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Ever wondered how good your cornering is, when driving your motorbike?

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Calculate and plan your ETF investments with the simple and intuitive calculators of ETF Calculator Pro.

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Your favorite Map doesn't support your GPS Maps files?

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Do you want to see the altitude, pressure and coordinates in a beautiful designed App?

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How long are you in focus? Should you take a break?

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Nautic Converter is the tool for boat drivers, that will help to convert all common boat units. It combines all common units for the Seafaring. Simple to use on the sea or lake, with the intuitive user interface.

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Ever wondered which speed you are heading with your boat? Or which direction you are cruising?

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Probably the most beautiful pure GS1 Barcode Scanner, with an easy to use, functional design. See all contents of GS1 barcodes and share them with others.

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The most simple way to calculate the return from your ETF savings plan. Just fill in your parameters and see how your investment can perform over the next years.

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The handy Barcode Generator that allows you to generate GS1 and other Barcodes at your fingertips, without the need of knowing how the content is generated. Simply fill out the form with all the GS1 Application Identifiers desired.

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Are you in trouble and need an emergency number? Or tell others where you exactly at, right now?

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